• Latest News
  • First Level 500s Achieved Across All Professions

Today marks a significant achievement in the game's history: every profession introduced during early access has now reached its pinnacle, with at least one player achieving level 500. This milestone was completed with the crowning of the first level 500 Blacksmith, marking the final step in this impressive journey.

This accomplishment highlights the dedication and perseverance of the community. Achieving level 500 in any profession is no small feat, requiring countless hours of effort, strategic planning, and unwavering commitment. Congratulations are in order not only for the players who were the first to achieve level 500 in their respective professions but also for everyone else who has reached this incredible benchmark-or aspires to in the future.

Here is the list of players who made history as the first to reach level 500 in each profession:

  • Guard: Sassyy
  • Chef: Anonymous Player
  • Fisher: Havric
  • Forager: Coffee
  • Alchemist: Ferret
  • Scout: Unleashed
  • Gatherer: Savage Shores
  • Woodcutter: Anonymous Player
  • Carpenter: Sap
  • Minefighter: Bot is above me
  • Bonewright: varietymmos
  • Miner: Natok
  • Blacksmith: ALustyArgonian
  • Stonemason: Strafe
  • Watchperson: Bidoof#1
  • Detective: Anonymous Player
  • Leatherworker: Ryan
  • Merchant: Sanhai

While this momentous occasion reflects the current state of the game, new chapters lie ahead. With future episodes and expansions, we can look forward to new professions and opportunities for even more players to leave their mark on the game's legacy. For now, let's celebrate this moment and the incredible dedication it represents within the community.

Congratulations to all level 500 achievers, past, present, and future!

Major congratulations to everybody! I doubt I'll ever even get a profession to level 500; that's some serious dedication.

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